

小心搬运 Handle with care
此面朝上 This side up
请勿抛掷 Don‘t throw down
易腐物品 Perishable goods
请勿平放 Not to be laid flat
请勿用钩 No hooks
保持冷藏 Keep cool, Keep in cool place
避免日光直射 Keep out of the direct son
有毒物品 Poison
危险 Dangerous
危险品 Dangerous goods
保持干燥 Keep dry
请勿堆积 Not to be stowed under other cargo
易燃物 Inflammable
禁止潮湿 Guard against damp
易碎 Fragile
玻璃器皿 Glassware


南宁保温材料广西生石灰北海eps线条 钦州eps线条百色eps线条南宁grc构件梧州eps线条南宁eps线条广西盈速粒防城港eps线条